
Fatty liver disease

Fatty liver disease has 2 types: alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty disease. This disease can be caused by abnormalities at digestive tract, obesity, diabetes, and high level of fat in the blood and these exceeding nutrients will be stored at liver. When the level of fat stored in liver exceeding the...


Cirrhosis is the condition of damaging and scarring of the liver leading to inflammations. Liver tries to repair and replace damaged tissues by creating the secretion of cytokines. This process reduces the liver functions, so they cannot effectively function, such as, storing nutrients, essential minerals, removing toxins, and producing protein....

Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is the cancer found in anywhere in the liver, most found cancer among other cancers in Thai male with approximate age around 30-70 years. Males develop liver cancer twice the rate compared to females since males’ risk factors compared to females are greater, yet females are also able...

Liver Diseases

Liver is the largest internal solid organs and one of the most important organs in human body. Liver functions in changing digested foods into nutrients or biomolecules for metabolism and contribute to the entire body. Liver is the storage for fat-soluble vitamin, minerals, and exceeding glucose from carbohydrate, converting to...

Chronic infections treated by Ozone Therapy

Chronic infections are caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The first stage of infection maybe not severe, but the infections are persistent, for example, Hepatitis, Herpes Zoster, HIV, fungal infections, bacterial infection, infected wounds, and ear infection leading to continuous tinnitus. Generally, chronic infections are resulted from incomplete medical procedures...

To activate white blood cells’ functions by Ozone Therapy

White blood cells are functioned as the body’s immune system that prioritize defending the body from any infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and mutated cells or dissimilar external substances included. There are various types of white blood cells found in entire human body, and the adequate amount of white blood...

โปรโมชั่นบัตรเครดิตที่ร่วมรายการกับวีพรีซิชั่นคลินิก ปี 2023

โปรโมชั่นบัตรดครดิตที่ร่วมรายการกับ วี พริซิชั่น คลินิก มีบัตรเครดิต และสิทธิพิเศษจากหลากหลายธนาคาร ท่านใดมีบัตรไหนสามารถนำมาแสดงเพื่อรับสิทธิ์ตามโปรโมชั่นกันได้นะคะ *เงื่อนไขเป็นไปตามที่บริษัท และ แต่ละธนาคารเป็นผู้กำหนด

5 symptoms that your immune system is fragile

Are you weak? Let's examine the five warning indicators to see if you are weak or not. Sensitive skin: Please check if your skin is sensitive, blistered, or irritating.Get sick easily: If you wake up feeling unrefreshed, short of breath, or feel uncomfortable, or feverish often, this is another warning sign.Frequent...

Cervical cancer is a significant threat.

One of the three most serious diseases that most women suffer is cervical cancer, yet most are completely unaware of it. Among Thai women, it is the most dangerous illness. A lot of females aren't even aware of it. For women specifically, V Precision would like to offer cancer screening...

What is Food Intolerance?

Food Intolerance It is the body's immune system's response to food, which results in the production of antibodies that bind to food or dietary components to create protein complexes (antibodies and food proteins combine to form complex structures) and are then excreted from the body. When the immune system is...