Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is the cancer found in anywhere in the liver, most found cancer among other cancers in Thai male with approximate age around 30-70 years. Males develop liver cancer twice the rate compared to females since males’ risk factors compared to females are greater, yet females are also able to develop liver cancer as well.

  1. Stage I of liver cancer usually does not indicate signs and symptoms until it develops to the III or IV stages, so liver disease is life-threatening conditions. Liver disease causes are as follows:
  2. Liver cancer developed from liver diseases, for example, Hepatitis B, and liver flukes.
  3. Cancer metastasis is the cancer cells at origin organs has spread to other organs. Cancer cells can be spread from stomach, intestine, and gallbladder.

Who have risk factors for liver cancer?

  • Patients with Hepatitis B and C.
  • Diabetes patients and cirrhosis patients.
  • Alcoholism patients
  • Patients who are addicted to smoking.
  • Patients with fatty liver diseases.

Liver cancer symptoms

Symptoms of liver cancer most often appear when the condition becomes severe as follows:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Jaundice
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss with uncertainty reasons
  • Right upper quadrant pain

       Patients with symptoms above when appointing doctors to get liver medical test are usually found large tumors or in metastatic cancer stage. Therefore, annually medical examinations to detect liver cancer in its early stage is defensive of advanced stages of cancer and for early treatments and medications since we have no idea whether we are inflicted diseases. In high-risk cases of liver cancer, patients should have annually medical examinations, prevent smoking and alcohol consumption, and exercise regularly.

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