Vitamin Booster

The body’s hormone is vitamin D. As a result, it has an impact on a variety of biological systems, including the pancreas, bones, brain, and immune system. Vitamin D3 at high doses (300,000 units) has the following advantages:

  1.  It is convenient because the body can produce enough vitamin D with just 1-2 injections each month.
  2.  It is risk-free because, after injection, vitamin D is stored in adipose tissue and gradually used by the body each day. Injections of vitamin D are therefore completely safe.
  3.  Injectable Vitamin D can penetrate directly to the target organs effectively. For example, we can synthesize them ourselves because they do not pass through the gastrointestinal tract and therefore do not lose vitamins along the way.

It is a vitamin formula to increase energy for the body. which affects every cell especially high-energy cell such as brain cells, liver cells, and heart cells. It will make you rejuvenated, and refreshed while reducing exhaustion and fatigue. Reduces brain numbness and can be taken as often as needed.

It is a vitamin formulation that concentrates on antioxidants and may effectively penetrate cells by intravenous injection. It will contribute to the body’s increased energy levels, efficiency gains, and reduction of inflammation.

It promotes fat loss, boosts the body’s metabolic rate, and encourages the removal of excess fat. Additionally, it enhances hunger, mood changes, and sleep well. 

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